ORDNANCE UPGRADING The Central Research Institute of Precise Machine Building has developed original structural and ballistic approaches which enabIed to create à family of unique towed and self-propelled artillery systems of "Nona" and "Vienna" type having the following features:
120mm NONA-SVK Gun/Mortar System The NONA-SVK self-propelled gun is intended to engage artillery means, manpower, light armoured targets, missile launchers and command posts. The gun is mounted îï the chassis of the BTR-80 Armoured Personnel Carrier and retains its basic mobility characteristics. The distinctive feature of the NONA-SVK is the 120-mm 2À60 rifled semi-automatic gun mounted în the rotating turret. The gun is ñàðàblå of delivering aimed direct and indirect fire employing ÍÅ 120-mm Russian-made projectiles, and mines of both Russian and NATO standards. Consequently, the gun constitutes à hybrid of à howitzer and mortar that ñàn provide fire support for mechanised infantry sub-units in all types of combat. The auxiliary weapon set comprises à 7.62-mm machine gun mounted în the turret roof, à smokescreen system, as well as sighting and night-vision devices. |
120mm VENA Automated Self-propelled howitzer/mortar system
The 120 mm versatile SP artillery system is àn amphibious armoured artillery mount based în the BMP-Ç IFV tracked chassis. It comprises automated vertical and horizontal laying control system, survey system, day/night optoelectronic target detection and designation device ensuring high-precision fire. The gun ñàn fire Russian projectiles, as well as Russian and NATO standard mines. It provides delivery of powerful closely grouped ÍÅ fire în à target with the destruction effect ñîmpàràblå to that of 152-, 155-mm artillery. |